Well Thanksgiving season is upon us. Thanksgiving always gives me an attitude of reflection. I tend to think back over the past year and wonder if each day I am living with a spirit of Thanksgiving in my heart and if so, is that reflected in my everyday life. I think I know the answer!! I am thankful for so many things...my husband, my children, this new baby coming in March, my family, a roof over our heads and so much more. I would love to encourage others to live each day as if it were Thanksgiving in their hearts, being thankful for each thing no matter how small and to show thankfulness to those we should each day. You just never know what day will be your last.
"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise, Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love is eternal; His faithfulness endures through all generations" Psalm 100:4-5